Friday, 27 September 2013

Feedback from Global Leadership Program #JustSpeak

Assalamualaikum ,

Sebenarnya ain baru balik program GLP #JustSPeak sepertimana yang ain bagitahu sebelum . Seriously this program are awesome . Before I go to ADTEC BP i think this program not awesome or maybe bored but when I come in earlier morning at Dewan Adtec BP my mind set is changed. The trainer also ask to me to keeping promise about this program are awesome . Yes , the trainer approve it their promise.

Eh ! Tercakap english la . macam tak percaya kan ? ni la feedback dari program tu .

Our Trainer are Miss Diana , Miss Nina , Miss Suzana, Uncle Rahman , Abg Shu , Encik Zaki and Miss Iman. They all are awesome trainer.

Mereka semua ajar kami macam mana nk jadi leader yang baik , selalu bekerjasama dan belajar dari kesilapan. Selain itu , dyoang bagi kteoang keyakinan untuk speaking in english . Dia org kata tak kisah english terabur ke apa . Janji SPEAK ! JUST SPEAK ! . nanti lama2 oke la grammar kita kan ? Learn From Mistake .

think awesome , work awesome , we are awesome !
Aqil , Faizal , Tanjung
Ana , Ain , Myra , Lynn
Mimie , Nina

Seriously , kawan2 kat sana friendly sangat dan dyoang caring each other walaupun baru 3hari kenal tp macam da lama kenal . Mungkin bagi korg kteaog baru kenal dah rapat . Tapi cmne plak kenal bertahun2 tapi xde caring dan xde supportive each other ? sepatutnya yang dah lama kenal tu la lebih motivated , support each other and else.

First of all , they teach us about listening skills . you know about that ? listening skill included E.A.R.S . do you know E.A.R.S stand for what ? E stand for eye contact, A stand for attention , R stand for respond and S stand for Suspend Judgement .

Sebelum ni , time kita buat presentation orang selalu tak beri perhatian . tahu kenapa ? sebab dyoang tak tau konsep E.A.R.S ... kalau kita concern orang akan beri kita feedback yang baik .. banyak sgt ilmu yang dipelajari .

Pergi dengan tangan kosong balik bawa ilmu melimpah ruah !

For other people , if you want to learn english . you just SPEAK ! if the other laughing at you , you just ignore it .

terimakasih pada semua trainer , pengomen post sebelum ni , serta lecturer yang sudi membenarkan kami join program ni serta memberikan sokongan moral !

You Are Awesome !

3 Comment:

THE AUTHOR said...

Dari gambar sudah memperlihatkan happy...kikiki

Faa Fara said...

hehheee , tu la kan abg ..

Faa Fara said...

thank na o mei :)